Heath Road
As a Parish Council, we share residents' concerns regarding the speed of traffic on Heath Road and this has been on our agenda for many years. Following the serious accident at the (then) zebra crossing in July 2018 we successfully lobbied for a speed limit reduction from 40 to 30mph. This was implemented in early 2021. In addition, as a condition of the adjacent housing developer's planning permission, a signal controlled puffin crossing was also installed.
Prior to the speed limit reduction being finalised and implemented we carried out an informal consultation and, following residents' comments, the planned 30mph limit was extended to the village gateway to the east of Brishing Lane.
We are concerned that some motorists continue to drive much faster than the 30mph speed limit. We understand that the Police have been carrying out some enforcement in the area and we have asked KCC to consider any additional measures that could perhaps be introduced. The Parish Council has also been working with KCC in an effort to find suitable sites for either mobile Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) or fixed vehicle activated signs (VAS) which would both provide a visual reminder to drivers of their speed. Unfortunately KCC have now advised that there are no suitable sites for these signs on Heath Road but we have obtained their agreement to install flashing 'wig wag' lights, either side of the pedestrian crossing. These will be installed in 2023 and will be programmable, coming on at morning and afternoon school run times.