Salts Wood
Update - September 2024
From the beginning of October we intend to extend the hard accessible path which will allow residents with push chairs, wheel chairs and mobility scooters to travel in a ‘loop’ around Salts Wood. Rather than just being accessible on a single ‘dead end’ track, far more of the wood will be available, especially during the wetter, muddier winter months. Of course this comes at a cost as the construction vehicles will need to block access for users over the course of October.
Please bear with us and we are sorry for any disruption. It will all be worth it in the long run!

Update - June 2024
IT SEEMS DIFFICULT TO BELIEVE …… We have gone from this in February 2021 to this in June 2024. In just 3 short years our 12” high saplings have grown into trees taller than myself. I couldn’t be more proud of what BMAT and the Parish Council have produced for all our residents in Boughton Monchelsea and beyond to enjoy and it is good to see that Salts Wood has been embraced by young and old alike. Also, thanks to those who help to keeps Salts Wood looking good by using the bins provided and picking up litter.
Our next planned phase will be to continue the hard accessible track to form a loop for those with push chairs and mobility scooters to enjoy Salts Wood in the more inclement weather.
Andy Humphryes
Parish Councillor & BMAT trustee
Update - November 2021
If, like me, every time you visit Salts Wood you look down the tree tubes, you will have noticed that just about every sapling planted has taken and growing into a good and healthy tree. When I say LUCK, this is because we could have planted all the trees and been hit by a drought, but we had perfect growing weather, wet and sunny. Some of the saplings, far more than I could have hoped for, have grown way out of the top of the tubes. At this rate of growth in a few years’ time, we will have something that looks more like a wood and less like a field of green tubes. I would like to thank a few of the local residents who have helped with the management by replacing broken stakes and generally kept a valuable eye on our trees. Early in the new year we will be doing a tree inspection and tree count and replace any trees that have died.
You may have noticed three concrete bases have appeared, these are for combined general/dog waste bins which will be installed in the next few weeks.
Finally, I would like to thank the Boughton Monchelsea Scout Group who over the next few months will be making and installing some ‘Bug Houses’ and ‘Bat and Owl Boxes’, keep a look out and please let us know when you see these being inhabited.
Andy Humphryes
Parish Councillor & BMAT trustee
Update - May 2021
ONE GOOD THING FROM COVID ……… it’s got a lot more of us out walking, and if you are one of these, get along to the newly planted SALTS WOOD, off Hubbards Lane.
If you are not aware, this used to be an arable barley field owned by Boughton Monchelsea Amenity Trust. But this year BMAT have decided to plant their very own wood to be used by everyone, yes, you as well!
We have planted nearly 20,000 trees in 10.5 hectares, installed picnic benches and constructed a path suitable for children’s buggies and mobility scooters. It has plenty of paths around and through the newly planted trees, so please take advantage of this for walks. IT IS FOR YOU, ALL OF YOU. But please respect it, take your litter home and pick up after your dog (there is a litter/dog waste bins installed by the kissing gate in Hubbards Lane.
Let’s all enjoy Salts Wood for many years to come, long after COVID.
Update - March 2021
If you go down to the woods today you're sure of a big surprise .....
I am pleased to announce that work has started on our Salts Wood planting phase. We have started in the north section by installing support sticks for the 20,000 trees and have also begun planting tree saplings along with their protection tubes. Over the next few weeks, all planting will be completed, benches and notice boards installed and finally, construction of the hard track and entrance kissing gate.
Watch this space for further progress and if you do walk this way regularly it would be much appreciated if you could straighten any 'wonky' tree supports you come across.
We look forward to keeping you informed.
Cllr Andy Humphryes